The Thy Will Be Done Law Blog
The Thy Will Be Done law blog. From California estate planning law and celebrity Wills (or lack thereof, a la Prince) and probate disputes (Aretha Franklin) to estate matters around the world (the estate of Queen Elizabeth II) and in antiquity (Attalus III, who willed his kingdom to the Roman Republic), as well as pieces of a more academic nature, join attorney Ryan J. Casson for interesting and informative legal overviews and inheritance accounts from the trusts and estates world. Please click the Legal Disclaimers link below and be reminded that nothing on this website may be used as legal advice.
Hot and Cold Assets: Should Your Revocable Living Trust Hold Business or Real Estate Interests?
What’s a “hot asset,” anyway? Is it the newest meme stock on Reddit? Good guess, but no. In the estate planning world, the notion of “hot assets” and “cold assets” relates to . . .
Joint Ownership: A Good Way to Avoid Probate? (Part 1 of 2)
This question often has an easy answer: Joint ownership is (often) . . . bad! In many instances, the drawbacks . . .